My Practice

Not your average massage!

Why am I different from other run of the mill type Swedish massage? The type of massage I do is a mix of multiple techniques that come from being an Athletic Trainer (think sports medicine/PT) as well as a Massage Therapist. This kind of massage gets deeper into the muscle in order to help realign muscle fibers and help get function back to muscles that have been locked or stagnant due to daily life.

pin.point massage is body work focused on what's ailing you. I specialize in the massage techniques of medical massage, sports massage, therapeutic massage, and trigger point therapy. Along with massage, I also offer Dry Needling. Using these techniques of soft tissue manipulation, I am able to alleviate points of adhesion and congestion and address the underlying cause of chronic pain. By using visual assessment, detailed questions, and getting to know you and how your body works, it allows each bodywork session to be tailored to your body’s needs. My goal is to have you feeling a difference before you leave the office. 

About Me

Hi! I'm Matti Bermingham, I was born and raised in small town Butte, MT. I grew up dancing and playing sports. Dance is an amazing sport, amongst others, that requires extreme body awareness and coordination. Dance has given me a unique perspective and experience with the body and how it works. Being active introduced me to bodywork early in life, so I have experienced different techniques utilized by a variety of health technicians.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Athletic Trainer, and Certified Emergency Medical Technician here in Colorado. I graduated from the University of Montana with a BS in Athletic Training before moving to Colorado to add Massage Therapy, Dry Needling, and EMT to my tool belt. I practiced in Denver for 7 years before making the move to the mountains. I have a strong background working with athletes and the ailments that can come with being an active Coloradan along with playing a sport. I enjoy working with people in order to improve overall activity and performance.


When I’m not in the office, I like to take advantage of the awesome outdoors here in Colorado, especially by snowboarding. I also like to play soccer, stay active, spend time with friends and family, and love eating all the amazing food here. I also love spending time with my amazingly big fluffy dog, so don't be surprised if she makes an appearance in the office once in a while!